企业与商业 - 塞浦路斯
Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC的企业与商业法律业务为企业交易和其他事宜提供全方位建议,包括公私并购、合资企业、企业重组、企业治理、资本市场及私募股本投资等。 团队的咨询服务客户遍布全球,既涉及国内业务,也涉及最为复杂的跨国交易,提供市场主导的服务。
Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC的商业律师在企业方面有着丰富经验与知识,可以使团队迅速行动,在复杂的境内与跨境交易中带来理想成果。
Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC的客户来自于多个产业,包括金融服务与金融机构、房地产、私募股本、能源、保险、医药与保健、独立国家、矿业、制造业与工业、海洋与船舶和科技。
处理并协助多家投资企业、管理服务供应商、另类投资基金、其管理者及其它由塞浦路斯证券交易委员会登记并管理的发行方的合并与设立。 企业与商业团队持续在资本市场及企业法律和治理方面给予相关指导。 团队向一系列塞浦路斯投资企业提供管理与企业问题建议,并且高效处理多家国内及国外公司的股票上市事宜。
Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC与一家法国发展金融机构合作,提供与塞浦路斯股份出售有关的法律援助与建议,价值约为1300万欧元。 我方同时负责与其他法国、英国、印度股票买卖方及参与交易的律师事务所的终结协调。
参与塞浦路斯公司的尽职调查与后续收购项目,收购价格为2000万欧元,收购方为一家荷兰专业服务公司。 除了对公司采购案各方执行的所有相关协议进行审查与协商外,我律所还负责所有交易的监督执行,同时提供一般法律协助,向客户就所有交易中涉及的塞浦路斯事项提供协助。
作为塞浦路斯法律顾问参与很多跨国与国内公司的并购及重组项目,包括但不限于,塞浦路斯公司(“收购方”)与一家由波兰著名超市连锁旗下的波兰实体(被收购方)的跨国合并。 并购案值约为1800万欧元,我律所受委托为塞浦路斯实体提供程序建议,起草并协商方案与其他所有塞浦路斯法所需的文件,包括但不限于向塞浦路斯区法院提交的申请。 跨国并购之后的续存公司为塞浦路斯实体。 我方负责起草及协商并购计划、董事报告及其他与本案有关的塞浦路斯法所需的文件,并将文件用于塞浦路斯公司的登记注册
Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC的银行与金融部曾向俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行就Sberbank Invest与O1 Properties之间的合资公司融资提出建议,O1 Properties是俄罗斯最大的地产与管理集团之一,它与莫斯科的白场项目相关,总价值为8亿美元。
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The effect of technological disruption on the legal profession
Technological disruption to the legal profession profoundly reforms the manner in which law firms operate
Notable quotes from clients in the 2015 Legal 500 guide include “a go-to firm for matters requiring Cyprus law expertise”, the team is “responsive” and has an “in-depth business understanding”.
The 2016 Chambers Europe Guide cited the Corporate and Commercial department of Michael Kyprianou & CO LLC as being “very good at breaching the gap between Cyprus and the rest of the world in international transactions” and clients have re-affirmed the wealth of the team’s experience and the quality of legal services provided.
The Head of the Corporate Department based in Limassol, Tonia Antoniou, was given recognition for her extensive experience particularly in cross-border M&A and restructurings. Sources confirm: “She is very responsive, knowledgeable and experienced in a large area of legal issues.” Another recipient of the 2017 awards was Athens-based Ilias Tsintavis, a member of both the Athens and Cyprus Bars His practice area includes corporate law, international tax and litigation.
Corporate awareness, both in Cyprus and internationally. Precise, spot-on advice tailored to my needs, without window-dressing potential problems.”The firm is very client-oriented – they always try to find a solution and give priority to important and urgent matters.”
Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC’s team inspires confidence. It advises major employers and employees on the full array of employment issues. Lambros Soteriou and Savvas Savvides are highly rated.
The team at Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC is commercially focused and results-oriented. Lambros Soteriou provides ‘accurate’ advice and Tonia Antoniou is responsive and clear. The ‘very responsive’ Lorena Charalambous and the ‘readily available’ Ioanna Solomou are recommended-both are senior associates.
Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC Corporate and Commercial practice is rated for having knowledgeable, experienced lawyers and effective communication. The firm has a diverse corporate practice acting on complex cross-border mandates in the finance, shipping and information management sectors. Combines wider commercial expertise to provide full-service assistance including employment, financial regulatory and competition advice. Lambros Soteriou is quick and reliable and clients highlight his commercial thinking.