World Trademark Review Yearbook

Our firm contributed to the eighth edition of the World Trademark Review Yearbook, an essential guide to trademark law. The World Trademark Review Yearbook provides legal professionals worldwide with a simple, easy-to-use digest of the structure of trademark regulation in key jurisdictions across the globe. The yearbook allows practitioners to gain comparative insights into the pertinent issues in 34 key jurisdictions, helping to inform their decision-making process at both national and international levels. Among the 34 key counties, Cyprus is one of the most advantageous European jurisdictions in the area of Intellectual Property.

Ermioni Pavlidou, Head of the Intellectual Property department of Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC, presented an in-depth analysis of trademark law in Cyprus. The analysis presents the legal framework of trademarks in Cyprus, the protection of unregistered rights, and the protection and registration of trademarks and related rights, and their enforcement.

The yearbook is published in partnership with MARQUES (the Association of European Trademark Owners) and the International Trademark Association.

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