Who’s Who Legal Commercial Litigation Guide 2022 recommends Michael Kyprianou litigators

We are delighted to announce that Menelaos Kyprianou, Managing Partner and Head of the Nicosia Litigation Department and Marina Hadjisoteriou, Partner and Head of the firm’s Limassol Litigation Department, have once again been ranked as Global Leaders for Commercial Litigation by Who’s Who Legal Guide 2022. Constantina Zantira, Senior Associate of the Limassol Litigation Department, has also been ranked as Future Leader.

Menelaos is said to be “the go-to litigator in the commercial litigation market” as his “great precision of his thorough approach exceeded expectations”, Marina is distinguished as “a great lawyer who knows her stuff”, is said to be “highly intelligent and possesses an in-depth knowledge of legal matters” having the “ability to comprehend complex matters very quickly and be able to focus on the core issue of the case, enabling her to formulate on effective strategy”, whilst Constantina is renowned for her “excellent knowledge of the law”, “significant litigation expertise” and “strong communication skills”.

WWL Commercial Litigation provides an in-depth analysis of the foremost litigators around the world who are singled out for their outstanding ability within this contentious context, as well as standout practitioners in the litigation field aged 45 or younger as future leaders in the market.

Our firm is the only Cyprus law firm with 3 ranked lawyers for Commercial Litigation in the 2022 Guide. We feel honoured to be consistently recognised and recommended by Who’s Who Legal, which prides itself on the integrity and authority of its findings.

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