“Time for Change,” as presented by Gina Panayiotou, during Safety4Sea Cyprus

“Time for Change” was the title of the presentation delivered by Gina Panayiotou, Global Head of Shipping of our firm, during the 2nd Safety4Sea conference.

In her presentation, which was part of the “Human Element and Best Practices” discussion, Gina analysed the importance not only to adapt to the changes that the shipping industry is undergoing, with digitalisation and stricter regulatory frameworks at the forefront, but to also safeguard your business during such changes. Gina explained that policy at all times must be aligned with corporate culture. When it comes to cyber risk awareness, data protection regulations, or handling the media during a crisis, setting direction for your people, via policy and giving them the tools to implement correctly, via training and awareness, is key in success.

Quoting the words of Warren Buffet; “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently,” Gina concluded in that, we should all be thinking about this and that’s why it is: Time for Change!

Full presentation and further details on conference are available at: https://events.safety4sea.com/safety4sea-cyprus-conference/

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