Partner Benjamin Hasan contributes article in German Money Laundering and Law publication “Geldwäsche & Recht”

We are delighted to announce the publication of Partner Benjamin Hasan’s article titled “Kostentragungspflicht einer Bank gem. § 91a Abs. 1 ZPO nach unrechtmäßiger Kontosperre und Einbehalt des Kundenvermögens” in the current edition of German language publication „Geldwäsche & Recht“ (Money Laundering & Law, issue 4/2023). Geldwäsche & Recht (GWuR) sheds light on the red-hot topic of money laundering law. It deals with the entire spectrum, from money laundering prevention and repression to aspects of security.

In his article, Benjamin Hasan discusses the court’s decision of the obligation of a bank to bear the costs pursuant to Section 91a (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) after the unlawful account freeze and withholding of customer assets, based on a recent case led by him.

Benjamin Hasan is a board-certified expert lawyer for banking law and capital markets law, who is regularly asked to provide his insights on anti-money laundering and compliance topics, and sought out by corporate and private clients for his in-depth expertise on regulatory, corporate law, compliance, AML-related, and criminal matters in the highly regulated international financial services environment.

The German language article authored by Benjamin Hasan titled “Kostentragungspflicht einer Bank gem. § 91a Abs. 1 ZPO nach unrechtmäßiger Kontosperre und Einbehalt des Kundenvermögens” published in issue 04/2023 of GWuR is available for download in PDF format below.

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