Official Visit by the Commissioner of Volunteerism at the Paphos Office

This morning, the Commissioner of Volunteerism, Mr Giannis Giannaki paid an official visit at the Paphos Office at Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC where he had a very interesting meeting with Mr Savvas Savvides Executive Partner and Ms Paola Hadjilambri, Director of Business Development.

The meeting which lasted for more than one hour, touched very interesting topics, as Mr Giannaki elaborated on the projects that are in line to be completed in the term of the 2020-2030 strategy.

Mr Giannaki focused on the importance of the 17 Objectives, which are also known as the “Sustainable Development Goals”. The “17 Objectives” are the result of the United Nations General Assembly in New York which took place in September 2015, when 190 leaders, passed a resolution and committed themselves to work in such ways so as to succeed in transforming our world into a world free of poverty, hunger and inequality.

Among others, all leaders who took part, declared that they would like to see through these “17 Objectives”, a world with decent work and high quality education, a world where peace would prevail without the threat of climate change, a world that through the principles of sustainable development, will take care of the needs not only of the current generation but also of future generations.

Mr Giannaki explained, that for the “17 Objectives to be fulfilled with success, it will take the coordinated effort and cooperation of all of us. And by saying “us” he said, that this includes educators, students, parents, active citizens, municipalities, local authorities and businesses who must all become an integral and valuable part of a global collective effort towards the future of the planet, promoting the right of all people to live with dignity, justice and equality.

Mr Savvides stated “Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC stands next to the initiatives of the Commissioner of Volunteerism, by actively taking part in the projects, not only on a National but also on a European and International level, since this is something that can have the implementation of the offices of the firm abroad as well. It is our duty as professionals, as parents and as humans to become the change we wish to see in this world. This is indeed the time for all of us to realize the mission we have to make this world a better place.”

“By supporting the vision behind the “17 Objectives” we all become responsible to contributing towards our country, our society, our children. More than ever we need to promote those values which remind us, that above all, we must remain human. Volunteerism is one of the highest values not to be learned but to be experienced” said Ms Hadjilambri.

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