Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC has participated at the international conference “WealthPro Ukraine” which was organized by the company Bosco Conference, leading company in international conferences, on the 15th of February 2016 in Kiev, Ukraine.
The Firm’s Partner in Ukraine, Mr. Dmitry Perevozchykov, presented the topic of “Impact of changes into Convention for the Ukrainian-Cypriot relations”. Mr. Perevozchykov has described the changes adopted into Double Taxation Convention between Ukraine and Cyprus and has explained the special aspects of currency control and actual issues of Ukrainian laws.
In addition, Mr. David Meli, a Partner of the Firm in Malta and Mr. Alexandros Alexandrou, a Director of Business Development of the firm also participated at the conference.
Among participants were general and financial directors, business owners, tax advisors, bankers, financial consultants and professionals in the sphere of wealth management.