Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC joins WISTA “Break the Ice” in Tromsø

Michael Kyrianou & Co LLC, being a strong believer of the importance of the role of women in every business’s success, was present at the38th Womens’ International Shipping and Trading Association Annual General Meeting & Conference, held in Tromsø, Norway.

This year’s chosen topic was “Breaking the Ice – Developing dialogues for sustainable business in the Arctic.” The conference themes and speakers were highly engaging, covering new technologies, innovation, automation, digitalization, cyber security, climate change and the environment.

Our firm was represented by Gina Panayiotou, Global Head of Shipping and Press Officer of WISTA Cyprus. With our department giving great emphasis on the legal aspect of above topics of cyber security, automation and maritime regulation, Gina described the conference, as “a valuable opportunity to enhance our knowledge, providing our clients with a constantly upgraded service as the industry evolves. It made me realize, how impressive and disruptive the future of this industry is proving to be!”

The AGM was attended by 300 plus individuals from 31 Countries worldwide. WISTA Norway did an exceptional job in bringing together so many WISTA ladies from around the globe, in the beautiful city of Tromsø. The conference setting was picturesque, while participants were lucky enough to also see the Northern lights.

WISTA is an international networking organization of 3000 members from 44 countries around the world, whose mission is to attract and support women at management level, in the maritime, trading and logistics sectors. WISTA promotes diversity, empowering women to lead through their unique perspective and competencies, with the conviction that gender diversity is key in providing a sustainable future for the shipping industry internationally.

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