Courses on First aid in the workplace attended in the Limassol office of Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC

Our firm values every individual. First aid courses are always very useful in saving someone’s life whether it is offered in the workplace or elsewhere. For that reason, our Limassol team has attended a two-day course on providing first aid which was provided by a very respectable professional at the firms Limassol premises on Monday 8 April and Tuesday 9 April 2019.

During this session each colleague had the opportunity to see how to identify different emergency situations and learn to act accordingly. The team apart from the course, gathered useful and valuable experience that will give us the strength and the urge to assist a fellow citizen.

This was a chance for the team to bond even more and realize that we can be team players not only in the provision of services to our clients but in other fields such as co-operating to saving a person’s life.

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