代表某公司参与15个欧洲国家的采购、运输、储存与天然气的销售。 委托公司对某塞浦路斯被告公司提出了共谋诈骗诉讼。 我方成功获得对该公司的冻结令与资产披露令。 该披露令是在共谋诈骗罪名成立的基础上获得的
纠纷调解与仲裁 - 塞浦路斯
我们的律所处于全球仅有的国际法律事务所网之中,这也有助于企业处理涉外纠纷。 其中一个例子就是国际诈骗集团,该机构由众多关注资产追回的来自各国的精英法律事务所构成。
In its latest edition, the Legal 500 commended that “Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC clearly stand out in the Cypriot legal market.” and refers to an ‘exceptional team that is agile, experienced and creative‘.
代表某塞浦路斯公司对其董事及任命并指示上述董事违背董事义务和违背信托义务的股东提出派生诉讼。 塞浦路斯公司是俄罗斯一家一流IT公司的持股公司。
代表一家塞浦路斯公司的股东成功获得一系列披露令。 这些披露令是在伦敦国际仲裁法庭的仲裁程序协助下获取的,涉及违反股东协议的索赔,该案与俄罗斯著名服装品牌的最大的经销商相关
在塞浦路斯申请一项由斯德哥尔摩商会认可、登记并在执行的仲裁裁决。 这一仲裁裁决针对一家塞浦路斯公司发布,案值超过4000万美元。 同时我方也担保了针对债务公司特定资产的一项冻结令,同时暂缓了该判决的认可与执行。 该案在冻结令颁布,并且债务方向客户支付了全部债务之后得到圆满解决
代表债权客户获得强制禁令,指定当地公司的秘书以客户姓名来转让股份。 这样做是基于股份抵押协议,保证了允许拨款1.2亿美元作为贷款。 先前的股东随后就向最高法院申请了一份诉讼文件移送命令,我们事务所为它进行了成功的辩护。 这种一审法庭公布的强制禁令被命令继续有效,以客户的姓名进行股份转移。
我们律所曾代表德国商业银行,向最高法院提出申诉,反对一审中判决的解除一项对德国商业银行有利的在世界范围内的冻结禁令。 该禁令的发布是由德国商业银行通过仲裁程序在法兰克福发布的,禁令对象主要是一家塞浦路斯公司。 这家塞浦路斯公司已经担保乌克兰“银行论坛”买家的支付义务。 德国商业银行是上述交易的卖方,并且宣称由此产生了(超过1.2亿美元)购买代价。 最高法院允许上诉,并重新签署了已被解除的冻结令。 同时还针对塞浦路斯公司发布了大量的资产披露令。 在这次判决中,在审核冻结禁令申请时,最高法院调查了关于承押人权利相关的原则并研究了一审判决是如何执行自由裁量权的。
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Landmark judgment issued by the Cyprus Administrative Court: Jurisdiction accepted in Citizenship by Exception rejection cases
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Savvas Savvides follows up on the legal initiative to bring the Parthenon Marbles home and makes a further plea for support in putting pressure to have the Marbles returned to their rightful place.
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Enhancing the international right to a fair trial through the new Pre-Action Protocols in Cyprus
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New rules on cross-border service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters – Regulation (EU) 2020/1784
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The New Civil Procedure Rules: A Cultural and Procedural Change in Civil Litigation in Cyprus
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Recent clarification by the Appeal Court regarding the matrimonial property of a deceased person
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Summary Judgement procedure in Cyprus: A salient feature of the Civil Procedure Rules for a quick adjudication of a claim
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The Administrative Court of Cyprus confirms the right of citizens to receive reasoned replies when applying to the authorities
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The Supreme Court of Cyprus aligns itself with the common law in the fight against ‘Rampant cross jurisdictional crime’
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Support measures and a €33 million Cypriot aid scheme deferring VAT payments: State aid distorting competition or not?
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Enforcement of foreign arbitral awards -Cypriot Courts adopt a pragmatic and pro international business approach
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The Supreme Court of Cyprus pronounces on the way that international conventions should be interpreted
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UK’s application to accede to the Lugano Convention and the Recognition of UK judgments in Cyprus post-Brexit
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Competition Law in Cyprus: Safeguarding ‘the survival of the fittest’ and coronavirus concerns
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Enforcement of Foreign Judgments/Awards and Interim Measures – Cyprus contribution to the Multilaw LPG Compendium
“The team is incredibly innovative and efficient in finding solutions.”
“Michael Kyprianou is capable of handling the most complex disputes and is one of the best offerings in Cyprus.”
“The firm provided very precise, very timely advice on a very complex set of litigations in a perfect manner, going beyond our expectations. Costs were very transparent, which immensely helped with budgeting.”
Legal 500 Latest Edition
Excellent and outstanding firm Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC successfully represented Commerzbank in an appeal before the Supreme Court relating to a worldwide freezing injunction rejected at first instance the Court granted the appeal and issued the freezing order in favour of the client. Menelaos Kyprianou heads the team in which Marina Hadjisoteriou is praised for her work.
Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC曾被评为争端解决领域的一级律所。 Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC配备“知识渊博且反应迅速的团队,有能力与大型跨辖区团队密切合作,能够满足不同团队的复杂需求。 ” Menelaos Kyprianou被称为”经验老道的诉讼律师”,Marina Hadjisoteriou”能够快速理解复杂问题,并向客户解释清楚”。
该所被评为2017 年争端解决领域的一级律所, Menelaos Kyprianou任部门主管,其曾被描述为“非常能干”的“优秀诉讼律师”, 曾多次在国内外纠纷中代表公司客户和个人。 .
“‘金牌品质’的Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC在最高法院关于世界范围内的冻结禁令(一审驳回)之前,在一次上诉中代表德国商业银行上诉成功; 法院同意了上诉,并发行了对其客户有利的冻结令。 在Menelaos Kyprianou带领的团队中, Marina Hadjisoteriou的工作受到了盛赞。”