
First Aid course held at the Paphos Office of Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC


One never knows when and where an emergency situation can arise, whether at work or at home, and havingfirst aid training can mean the difference between life and death. Being trained in first aid gives one the knowledge and confidence to be able to remedy a situation, and is a precaution which one may be thanked for later.

For that reason, members of our Paphos team attended a basic course on the procedure of providing first aid. The course was held by a professional trainer at our Paphos office on Monday 3rd June 2019. During the training session, delegates were given the opportunity to identify different emergency situations and the need was stressed to remain calm and carry out the proper order of care, so as to avoid further injury or distress.

The training helped colleagues to gain the confidence and will to get involved in any emergency scenario before paramedics arrive, and to begin administering proper care to those who need it most.